Grounded in feminist values and principles, Colleen brings a passion for learning, dedication to evidence-based psychosocial care, and a commitment to integrative work along with years of professional growth and experience to her therapy practice.

Through The Practice, Colleen provides therapy services for individuals and couples with a focus on women’s health, relationships, and the resolution of trauma. She has also provided placements and supervision to social work students completing their masters placement. Colleen currently provides supervision/consultation for therapists in private practice. When she is not working directly with clients she enjoys teaching in the College of Social Work as a Sessional Lecturer.

Colleen is committed to to the growth of her profession by demonstrating personal, professional, and social sustainability.

Professional Licensure & Degrees

Saskatchewan Association of Registered Social Workers

Alberta College of Social Workers

Master Social Work, University of Regina (Field Practicum Palliative/Hospice Care)

Bachelor Social Work, University of Regina (Major Practicum Placement- Adult Mental Health)

Early Childhood Development SIAST

Professional Trainings & Experiences:

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner - Somatic Experiencing® International (Peter Levine)

APSATS - The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists

ERCEM -Certified Empathy Specialist

Focusing Institute (Level 1 & 2)
PACT Institute® (Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy). Trained directly with Dr. Stan Tatkin   (Level 1 &  Level 2 Certified) 
The Sexually Competent Therapist -Foundations 
Wilfred Laurier Continuing Education- Faculty of Social Work Professional Development Program: Introduction to Clinical Supervision; 
Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision; Challenges in Supervision: How to Get 'Unstuck' in Supervision; Safe & Effective Use of Self in Clinical Supervision; Wilfred Laurier Continue Education- The Art of Note Taking;
Attachment Program (Level 1 & 2) Dianne Poole-Heller
Internal Family System Workshops - Richard Schwartz
Victoria Hospice Training 
Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute - Dr. Shefali
New Ways with Families® -Bill Eddy's High Conflict Institute.
Meeting with Children - parenting plans - International Centre for Children and Family Law
Family Law Mediation - Panko Law
Red School- (Menstruation & Menopause)
Yoga Teachers Training 200 hr with additional training in Restorative & Yin Yoga
Gabor Mate’s Trauma Talks